
Valentine’s cookies

Valentine’s Day may have passed but don’t wait until next February to tell your loved ones how you feel – show them with cute cookies!


I used this basic cookie recipe and then you can add whatever extras you want – chocolate chips, nuts, spices.

To make the cookies with hearts in the middle I followed the method for these Slice n’ Bake Valentine Heart Cookies. Colour some of the cookie dough and then make the hearts with a heart shaped cutter. Stack the hearts as neatly as possible on top of each other and then cover this tower of hearts with the normal coloured cookie dough. (At this point I added some extra decoration by rolling the cookie dough log in red sprinkles.) Then wrap the cookie dough log in cling film and put it in the fridge to harden a bit which will make it easier to slice!

IMG_1500Once it’s hardened, slice the log into cookies and pop them in the oven!

With leftover dough I made cookies with some cute Valentine’s messages on them and decorated with little hearts. A bit cheesy but hey, they were for some very special girls …
